
Top Energy Saving Ways for Your Home


Have you ever wondered how small changes in each home can lead to a big impact on the environment? There are numerous tips on home energy conservation, starting from small habits in daily lives to big investments that not only help the environment but also reduce your energy bills.

So what are some simple tips to reduce energy consumption at home? From turning off lights when leaving a room to investing in solar panels, here are some tips about moving towards energy-efficient home improvements.

You should read: 8 Tips to Follow to Reduce Pollution

How to Save Energy at Home?

1. Turning off the lights when leaving a room

A basic habit to develop and foster is to make sure that you always turn off the lights when leaving a room. Make a reminder to do so until you get into a habit of doing so subconsciously. You can save a good chunk of your monthly electricity costs by doing something as simple as this regularly.

2. Use LED lights

Many homes are moving towards smart LED lights as they not only look stylish and affordable but are also way more efficient than halogen bulbs.

3. Switching to efficient appliances

Dryers and refrigerators are two of the most energy-intensive appliances in a home and replacing these with better efficient models can cut the electricity usage by half, thereby reducing your electricity bills. Installing heat pumps is another idea to reduce electricity consumption. In general, maintaining and replacing appliances every few years will make them have less burden on your electricity usage.

4. Unplug devices

Needless to say how important it is to unplug devices when not in use. Do not leave devices on standby but rather unplug them and save your electricity bill, and the planet.

5. Lessen water usage

Some easy fixes to reduce your water consumption could be taking quick showers, using just the required amount of water while cooking and turning off running taps when unused even for seconds.

6. Keep the thermostat at a lower temperature

Aim to keep your thermostat at a lower temperature around 17 degrees, this can make a big difference and save your energy costs. Using a programmable smart thermostat is even better.

7. Use smart automated devices

Smart automated devices can lower your energy bills even when you forget to. Smart automation systems will detect when you’re no longer using a device and turn off the power supply.

8. Use double glazing door

Double glazing doors and windows are a perfect solution for a modern home as they can significantly reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases from heating and cooling thereby reducing your carbon footprint and also lowering your energy bills.

9. Cook with the lid on

This is a super simple hack in everyday life to save energy consumption, by cooking with the lid you are making sure to lessen the cooking time and water usage significantly.

10. Using smart meter

A smart meter is a great way to see how much power you’re consuming, this will help you keep a track of your consumption in real-time, and where you can reduce it.

11. Washing at low temp

Wash clothes at a cooler temperature and with a full load, you will be saving a lot of water and electricity.

12. Solar-powered devices

These days you can find a solar-powered version of almost any electronic you use in your home. Making small shifts and using more solar-powered electronics can go a long way and can also lower your maintenance and replacement costs of such electronics

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