
Can You Make the World a Better Place?


The growing gap between the rich and the poor, the climate crisis, conflicts all over the world: these are just a couple of examples of a world that needs our help.

Mainly, how can you help make the world a better place? What can you do to help the world, as an individual? Even though your own actions can sometimes feel insignificant when looking at the grander scheme, you still have the power to change the world for the better.

We all want to make the world a better place, right? Not just for ourselves, but also for future generations.

Inspiration is your key to make the world a better place

Even though you don’t have the power to solve income inequality or clean the great pacific garbage patch, you do have the power to inspire others.

Your power to inspire others is the key to making the world a better place.

You have the power to do good on a small scale. Your actions are able to inspire others, who will then spread those actions to their friends and family. This snowball will continue to grow, and can eventually have a big impact on the world (with or without your awareness of it).

Be a volunteer

Most people see volunteering as a good and noble endeavor, but many are reluctant to actually volunteer. Our lives are busy as they are, so why should you spend your time and energy on something that doesn’t pay?

Volunteering is a fantastic way to make the world a better place. Most volunteers spent their time helping those who need it most. By doing so, they are indirectly reducing the amount of inequality in the world.

Volunteering is also proven to positively enhance your own happiness.

A 2007 study found that people who volunteer consistently report to be healthier both physically and mentally than those who do not.

Another important finding of this study was that those who were less well socially integrated benefited the most, meaning that volunteering may be a way to empower groups who are socially excluded otherwise.

Being good translates to being happy

Most of the things that you can do are beneficial to your own mental health as well.

So even though picking up trash might sound like a total bummer, doing so still has a positive impact on your own mental health! Being a good person is often proven to result in being happier and healthier, even though doing good deeds doesn’t always seem like fun.

This means that making the world a better place doesn’t have to feel like a sacrifice to you. We can all benefit from these things.

In the end, your impact as an individual is always going to be small. But it’s through inspiring others that your actions can snowball into an actual change. Start small, and eventually you can make the world a better place to live in.

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